Have you lost sight of the authentic you?

Have you lost sight of the authentic you?

Picture yourself as a very young child.
Maybe you have a photo or a specific image in your mind's eye?

Notice the “You” in the picture. What is the beautiful essence of you?
Is it open? Curious? Loving? Unguarded? Playful? Trusting? Mischievous?

As we grow up, we cover this essence up. We put layers over ourselves to protect ourselves and shield us from judgment or persecution. We cover our light until we forget it’s there.

We become grey to fit in - then feel the weight of our loss.

We drink, shop, take drugs, and do other things to help us forget.

When really what we need to do is remember.
To remember our beautiful essence. And that we are still golden beneath the layers.

If you find this hard to believe - imagine a child. Your child, or perhaps a child close to you. See the essence of them. What makes them unique and wonderful?

Imagine them throwing their arms around you seeking love.

Then see yourself throwing them to the ground and trampling on them.
Calling them worthless, unloveable, stupid, flawed.

You wouldn’t do that to a child.
But that’s what we do to ourselves - every day.

So instead of draining your time trying to forget - I invite you to remember your beauty instead.

BlogGeorgina Halabi