Do you mute your potential abundance?

Do you mute your potential abundance because "money is the root of all evil" or are you perhaps "filthy" rich?

In a fascinating talk last week, we were invited to visualize money as a woman. We acknowledged her nurturing influence on our lives; for feeding, educating, clothing, and sheltering us and our loved ones.

We apologized for calling her filthy, stinking, corrupting, and for criticizing and blaming her for our own avarice, stinginess, and duplicity.

We invited her into our homes as a welcome guest, free to flow in and through our lives. To create growth, value, opportunity, abundance, without us damming her or damning her.

Money is not greedy or miserly. It actually has no inherent nature of its own. These aspects come from within US, and our own grasping and aversion to what money represents. Success, comfort, respect, acceptance etc.

We were invited to build a better relationship with money. To "gladly" pay our bills, to celebrate an investment in ourselves, and to happily share AND receive. To let go of our parents' debts, and their beliefs, and to step into abundance.

What's your association with money - and how's that impacting your life?